The Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, University of Würzburg, invites applications for a postdoc position to support the examination of the foraging ecology and mechanisms of coexistence of Asian honey bee species (
A. cerana, A. dorsata, A. florea). The successful candidate will work as part of Safeguard, which brings together world-leading researchers, NGOs, industry and policy experts to help Europe reverse the losses of wild pollinators and their values and ecosystem services.
The successful candidate will investigate the effects of large-scale transformation of natural ecosystems for agriculture and settlement on foraging strategies, floral resource overlap and colony performance.
The project is part of a larger collaborative project comprising three further PhD projects with Prof. Hema Somanathan (IISER Trivandrum, India) and Prof. Ricarda Scheiner (Würzburg University), allowing the integration of ecological, behavioural, and physiological aspects in a common study design.
The candidate should have a Master or Diploma degree in Ecology or related disciplines.
Knowledge required for this position includes:
Skills: experimental field research (e.g. plant-insect interactions, pollinator ecology), use of GIS and statistical data analysis (preferably in R), driver licence, scientific writing
Language : English
Start date: 1 September 2022
Application deadline: 20 June 2022
Read more here. Position no longer available