The author of the article, Laure-Lou Tremblay, takes the readers through several key points:
- The new deal for pollinators, a revision and reboost of the EU Pollinators Initiative;
- Safeguard’s mission, team expertise and objectives, emphasising the goal of the project to contribute to reversing the loss of wild pollinators across Europe;
- IEEP role in the project;
- IEEP brief, describing how Safeguard research is contributing to the EU Pollinators Initiative.
As a leader of the work package “Strengthen pollinator-relevant policy and decision making”, IEEP is responsible for the policy engagement activities in the EU. At its core, IEEP is an independent environmental sustainability think tank with an unrivalled understanding of the mechanisms and realities of EU policy making on the one hand, and their diverse implementation and impacts within Member States. A strength of IEEP is that it covers all the key environmental policy areas, with programmes providing in-depth analysis of policies affecting biodiversity, agriculture and land use, water, maritime affairs, energy, transport, waste and pollution, and climate change, together with programmes that cover cross-cutting issues concerning governance and environmental economics. Read more here.
Read the full article here.